7 Affirmations for When Life Twists the Plot
Whew! What can we say? Life is gon’ life for the rest of our days. But what if we replaced the negative connotation of that statement with the positive?
We know that life is unpredictable. We know that plans change. We know that no matter how tightly we hold on, we can’t control the path we take. So, why not prepare yourself for those inevitable moments in life?
Acceptance. Begin by accepting that life is not going to go the way you want or think it will. Life is full of surprises and plot twists! I’m here to tell you that those plot twists are deeply important and they are setting you up for your future. Lean on these affirmations when you forget that your life is worth living – plot twists and all.
- Things are always working out for me! (Especially when it feels like it isn’t)
- My path leads to peace.
- I am supposed to be right here right now.
- I receive what I need at the exact right moment.
- I walk in the receptive mode.
- My energy feeds my faith and trust.
- Deep, inner peace is mine.
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